Bones and Brains and the Past, Oh My!
I want to start off by saying 'Hi!', and welcome to my "lab." It is less a physical lab and more a mental lab, filling my brain with knowledge, one word at a time. It is a place where fun little facts from osteology to ancient Egypt to modern forensic technology and so much more will be discussed. As an archaeologist, it is a dream to live in a world where so much information is right at my fingertips, and I can expand my knowledge at just the click of a button.
This website is intended to be my personal journey towards learning more about the past, present, and future by way of any and all anthropological topics that interest me, as well as ones I have yet to discover. As I read and watch, I want to share a little of what I have learned with all of you.
Just a little FYI, I will attempt to utilize the resources in my own literary library as best I can before I resort to using the library, and even less likely, the internet. I already own a plethora of books with anthropological, archaeological, true crime, biographical, and historical themes/topics (many from my college days and others more recent), and I intend to use them! :)
Time to get this journey started...Off to the lab!